Digital marketing is Internet marketing or online marketing. It means informing people about your business on the internet. As in the recent past, the number of internet users is increasing on a daily basis. They like to search for everything on search engines. So online marketing has become very popular over the years, and entrepreneurs cannot succeed with traditional marketing; they have to establish their business online to tell people about their products and services.

In other words, “digital marketing” means promoting the brand with all efforts that are put on the internet. Btech Studio promotes other organizations by using different online channels, such as mobile devices, websites, social media, search engines, pay-per-click, SEO, email, and others. People choose these channels according to their needs and budgets. For instance, some like to choose only social media presence, while others choose effective digital content writing. Btech Studio assists clients with free and paid marketing based on the objectives of their marketing strategies. Some of our digital marketing services include:


SEO is defined as “search engine optimization.” Our SEO experts will help your website rank organically on the first page of the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). In layman’s terms, our team will work to improve your company’s visibility to potential and existing customers via SEO when they search on Google, Bing, Baidu, and other search engines. With this, the traffic on your website would increase. which means more traffic equals more chances of a high conversion rate.

Social Media Marketing

SMM is the most powerful technique nowadays for promoting your business. We have access to a large number of potential customers through SMM. As more than half of the world’s population uses different social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, making people aware of your brand has become much easier by using social media. Btech Studio will design campaigns for your brand or optimise your social media accounts to uplift sales.

PPC (Google Ads)

PPC stands for Pay Per Click and refers to when a user searches for a query on search engines and then, at the top of the page, ads are shown. As users click on the ad, advertisers have to pay for that click. It brings a great ROI (return on investment). Google Ads is the best example of PPC. Btech Studio designs ads for PPC to have immediate results, and reach countless audiences.

Content Writing

This is another digital marketing strategy that Btech Studio uses for clients to reach the maximum number of potential customers. In this strategy, our team generates engaging content and then publishes it on the website. After publishing, we promote this content through social media, SEO, email marketing, and more. The content could be in the form of blogs, ebooks, webinars, or images.